
Newton Sewer Repair

Trenchless Sewer Replacement Newton, MA.

Contractor: The Trenchless Team

Location: Newton, MA

Type: 146 Feet Pipe Lining

Cost:$12,410.00 - $13,870.00

Technology: Trenchless Sewer Pipe Lining

Have a sewer problem or need an estimate?
Call The Trenchless Team now at (877) 739-3789

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Trenchless Sewer Replacement Newton, Ma call. Whenever a resident of the Boston suburb Newton calls the techs usually jump right on the problem. This customer has had ongoing problems since the summertime. He had contemplated going with a sewer replacement however, his sewer was a long one, coming in at approximately 145 feet. The only hesitancy he had was the price to dig and replace. His excavation quote came in at just under $30,000. That is a large number no matter how you slice it and dice it. It was discovered that the sewer ran underneath the front porch, which just happened to be a very nice front porch, so there was the repair cost in the quote as well. The customer heard from a friend to ask about a new kind of repair referred to as ‘trenchless sewer pipe repair’. The tech let him know that trenchless repair was the number one requested sewer repair method.

Trenchless Sewer Pipe Lining in Newton, MA

So the tech set up a FREE sewer camera video inspection. After All getting an opportunity to help a customer with a nearly 150 foot residential trenchless sewer line doesn’t happen everyday. When the tech showed up and inspected the property and sewer line, he noticed the cast iron sewer pipe was full of roots and about 70 feet out there was a 3 inch separation in the line. After the consultation the tech let the customer know that he was in fact an ideal candidate for trenchless sewer liner. Moreover, the best was the part was the quote, with the sewer liner, and the fact the front porch did not have to be taken apart, came in at $13,500 which is more than $16,000 less than the other excavation quote. Also the sewer liner comes with a lifetime warranty. It didn’t take long before the customer gave the go ahead.

Newton, MA Sewer Line Repair with Pipe Lining

When the day of repair finally came around the tech and crew were greeted by the customer and a couple of his neighbors. Turns out the idea of not digging up a sewer and repairing it with an epoxy liner was quite the talk of the neighborhood. After it was all said and done and the customer could see on the post camera inspection that his sewer was perfect, the tech ended up getting two more jobs from the attending neighbors. Trenchless sewer repair in Newton, Ma is a great way to make friends.